Dr. S.P. Singh Oberoi has pledged to take care of those Senior Citizens, who are abandoned by their wards in this materialistic world. He wishes them to lead a comfortable life with dignity & respect. The trust is constructing Old Age Homes for them to provide cost effective quality service with warm, satisfying, trusting relationship.
Such state-of-art spacious and beautiful double story building is being constructed at Patiala and will be functional soon. More such old homes are to be constructed in Amritsar and other district head quarters.
100 acre of land has already been purchased at Noorpur Bedi (Distt. Ropar), where patients of chronic and incurable diseases including terminal patients of Cancer, whose families are unable to look after, will be admitted for nursing care, treatment and rehabilitation. In addition the Trust is regularly providing financial assistance to Sai Birdh Ashram, Choura, Patiala.
Under the able guidance & support of Prof ( Dr) S P Singh Oberoi ji . Sarbat da Bhala Charitable Trust is providing a monthly financial support of Rs 15,000/- to Sai Birdh Ashram. Mrs Maninder Kaur Oberoi & Mrs Inderjit Kaur Gill, SDBCT Director Education handed over the cheque to Administrator of the Ashram & meet the residents.